Pershing Square Holdings (Bill Ackman Portfolio Tracker)

View all publicly-traded U.S. stocks owned by Bill Ackman’s holding company, Pershing Square, as of June 30, 2022. We examine Pershing Square holdings, their value, the share of the portfolio, and the changes in the company’s positions since the previous quarter. Reporting Period: Q2 2022Portfolio date: June 30, 2022Number of holdings: 7Portfolio value: $7,462,417,000 Read more…

Can You Get Rich With Compound Interest?

Compound interest has been called the “eighth wonder of the world.” Albert Einstein famously called it “the most powerful force in the universe.” But can you get rich with compound interest? And Warren Buffet once said, “My wealth has come from a combination of living in America, some lucky genes, and Read more…

Cathie Wood (ARK Invest) Portfolio Tracker

This Cathie Wood portfolio tracker lists all publicly-traded U.S. stocks owned by Cathie Wood’s holding company, ARK Invest, as of June 30, 2022. It examines the top 50 holdings, their value, the share of the portfolio, and the changes in the company’s positions since the previous quarter. Reporting Period: Q2 2022Portfolio Read more…

Healthcare Spending Statistics: 2022

The U.S. Health Care System is one of the most sophisticated medical systems in the world. It is also by far the most expensive healthcare system in the world and has serious difficulties delivering affordable care to those who most need it. US healthcare is a major source of controversy Read more…

Self Visa Credit Card Review

The Self Visa Credit Card is a unique take on secured credit cards. It is secured by the balance you’ve built in one of Self’s credit builder loans, giving you the opportunity to access some of the money you’ve saved and offering another opportunity to build credit. In this review Read more…